A New Thanksgiving Tradition: OCRM's Annual Turkey Trot!

Thanksgiving is not just about eating turkey and gathering with family, although those are great traditions!  It is a season of gratitude, to reflect on all we have been blessed with.  I encourage you to take it a step further this Thanksgiving, and in addition to...

Out of the Park

I get to see Tim working hard every day as he cleans around my office and our support staff’s work spaces.  His smile is perpetual and his optimism is contagious.  Believe it or not, Tim was homeless, sleeping in a park. But because of your gifts, Tim...

Our Volunteers Our Hero’s

Our Volunteers Our Hero’s.  Everyone has a story. Something we don’t do enough is recognize the people that freely dedicate their time to make the work of restoring lives possible. The intriguing part is why they do it. WATCH as our volunteer spotlight, Linda,...