Merry Christmas from Orange County Rescue Mission!

With great joy we welcome a season to celebrate the world-changing truth that “the Word became human and made His home among us” (John 1:14)!  To receive and experience that Jesus Christ, in His unfailing love and faithfulness, came to rescue and restore us, even in...

New life, new hope, a new start.

This is the message of Easter. The glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ is reflected in the lives of the families and individuals at the Rescue Mission that are being radically transformed. Formerly homeless men, women and children are given a chance at a new start....

Church at the Mission

I am very excited to introduce the newest members of the Orange County Rescue Mission family: Church at the Mission! As the Orange County Rescue Mission seeks to minister to the least, the last and the lost of our community, this gathering of believers has planted...

I Care about AIDS!

My life long Pastor and a faithful supporter of the Orange County Rescue Mission, Bruce Sonnenberg cares and continues to dedicate his life to rallying more and more support around the cause to fight AIDS both locally and globally through his supportive non-profit...