Serving Hope With Every Meal

The holidays are fast approaching and our Serving Hope campaign is in full swing! Serving Hope is your chance to make a difference in the lives of hungry and homeless people in Orange County this holiday season — starting today.Will you help feed our hungry neighbors?...

Thank You For Serving Hope

We have come so far from where we began our Serving Hope campaign in September! At the beginning of the fall we launched this campaign to raise funding for meals for the homeless while offering the hope of a second chance in our program at the Rescue Mission. Click...

Thank You My Friends

You have given hurting individuals and families a chance for a new life and now they are grateful to give back. One of the great blessings of being a part of this ministry is watching our students give back. Whether it’s serving a bowl of chili to a man sleeping on...

How to Serve Hope

Robert and Katie are thankful for a fresh start – something they desperately needed. At the lowest point in their journey, homeless and unemployed, the young couple lived in their car and begged for spare change for food. Katie was so thin and looked so unhealthy that...

Feeding the Hungry

The Rescue Mission is fully immersed in our ‘Serving Hope’ campaign to feed as many hungry people this fall as possible and we need your help. Click here to watch how you can help Serve Hope.     With 12,500 homeless men, women and children in...