by Jim Palmer | Jan 24, 2022 | blog
There are many “awareness” months and days in America now, which draw our attention to important issues and concerns. One issue of particular concern to me and Orange County Rescue Mission is human trafficking. January is National Slavery and Human...
by Jim Palmer | Feb 25, 2019 | blog
I have shared recently a little bit about our new program, Strong Beginnings, which we launched last year to provide emergency shelter and additional support services to female victims of human trafficking in Orange County. Recently, the Orange County Register ran an...
by Jim Palmer | Jan 21, 2019 | blog
“Real Solutions for Lasting Change” is a bold statement, but it describes the conviction of how we serve the homeless in our community. I work strategically to make sure that there is value in all of our projects and initiatives. But becoming a grandfather to...
by Jim Palmer | Jan 17, 2019 | blog
Human trafficking has become somewhat of a buzzword today and we hear about it regularly happening in other countries, which is appalling as it is. But it was a huge shock to me when I realized just how big of an issue human trafficking is right here in Orange...