Finding Hope & Overcoming Obstacles on the Road to Success

“There is nothing you cannot overcome.” Tears well up in Rick’s eyes as he speaks to his daughter, Sarah, and son-in-law, Edgar, two of the Rescue Mission’s most recent Road to Success employment workshop graduates. He holds on tightly to their daughter – his...

27 More on the Road to Success

“I came here with only a thread of hope.” Elizabeth’s voice rings out in the chapel foyer as she accepts her Road to Success completion certificate.  “Now, I have great expectations. Expectations of being challenged, and of what God can do.” Two weeks ago, we...

Spare Change vs Life Change

The philosophy behind the Rescue Mission is that we offer a hand up, not just a hand out; we offer life change, rather than spare change. One of the instrumental aspects of our program is our Success Center sponsored by Sunwest Bank and Southern California Edison....

Thank You State Street Foundation

The State Street Foundation has been a consistent and treasured partner of the Orange County Rescue Mission for many years. Over time, State Street has funded the Village of Hope’s Child Development Program, helped initiate a culinary arts program for homeless...