
Core Values
At the heart of our organization is a set of core values that we hold dear. These values are rooted in hope, fueled by a commitment to excellence, and guided by a spirit of service to others. Above all, we place immense value on every individual and strive to uphold the principles of integrity and accountability in all that we do.
I have excelled in leadership roles across diverse industries, including non-profit, government, healthcare, faith-based, & social services. My skills have earned accolades at both national & local levels, and I have had the honor of contributing to multiple boards of directors.
I aim to facilitate meaningful change and contribute to making the world a better place. I am deeply committed to aiding those often disregarded in our community — particularly those marginalized due to substance abuse, mental health, & housing challenges. I believe that through genuine collaboration & fostering a culture of trust, we can achieve verifiable outcomes and positive results. This necessitates breaking down barriers, forming strategic partnerships, implementing trauma-informed approaches, & shifting the focus from program-centric to person-centered practices.
Given my leadership in pioneering operational innovation and developing client-focused programs and facilities, I am well-suited for an expanding organization that prioritizes the care of the most marginalized — the least, the last, and the lost. The following enumerates a sample of my current experiences and proficiencies:
Board of Directors
- Elected to 30+ Board of Directors
- Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson
- Independent Board Member
- Executive Committee Membership
- Finance Committee Membership
- Governance Committee Membership
- Compensation Committee
- Succession Planning Facilitator
- Human Resources Committee
- Philanthropy Committee
- CEO of FQHC health care clinics
- FQHC Chairman of the Board
- OC Mental Health Advisory Board Membership
- Development & implementation of outpatient and residential inpatient mental health programs & services
- Certified PAC from the American College of Certified Forensic Counselors
- Heads-up Check-up mental health assessment tool implementer
- Appointed County Commissioner
- Elected City Council Member
- Presidential Appointee, George W. Bush & Barack Obama admin’s
- Regulatory & compliance development & oversite
- Request for Proposal (RFP) & (RFQ) creation, review, and oversite
- PSR Civilian Reserve Commander OC Sheriff’s Dept
- CEO, President, Executive Director, Founder, Vice-President
- Chief Advancement, Program, & Campus Officer
- Human Resources
- Public & private grant acquisition
Social, Human, & Housing
- Foster & Adoptive Parent
- Social Innovation expert
- Homeless transformation driver
- Anti-sex trafficking program developer
- Detox systems developer
- Addiction recovery program developer
- Housing & shelter developer