2016 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

by | Nov 2, 2016

The Orange County Rescue Mission exists due to the generosity and compassion of our donors and volunteers. It is with grateful and humble hearts that we strive to always steward those contributions and resources well. In an effort to conduct ourselves in a transparent and ethical manner, each year we produce an Annual Report to share with our partners and donors all that their support has helped to accomplish over the past year.
The Annual Report is a project that is held to a high standard  to effectively communicate the mission, vision, and outcomes of each our programs and facilities over the past year. Our staff works hard to ensure that information regarding our programs and finances are engaging to the reader. It is important to us that our partners and donors have a clear understanding of the impact their support makes upon the lives of the Least, Last, and Lost in their communities.
Whether you have just recently become aware of Orange County Rescue Mission, or you are a donor wanting a better understanding of the donors’ impact, I would like to send you a copy of the 2016 Annual Report.
You can request a physical copy of the Annual Report by emailing your name and address to Taylor at taylor.cochrane@rescuemission.org. Please note that sending your name and address does not automatically add you to the print mailing list, unless you request it.
Or, you can take a look at the 2016 Annual Report here.
We are honored to receive acknowledgement from the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, who have awarded us 1st place for our 2016 Annual Report. It is encouraging to receive an accolade for a project that our team works so diligently on and that I hold so dear to my heart.

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