Give Gifts of Hope This Christmas!

Give Gifts of Hope This Christmas!

Are you searching for a meaningful gift to give to the special people in your life this Christmas? Or perhaps an idea for what to give someone who seems to have everything? I’m so excited to share our first-ever Gifts of Hope Christmas Catalog with you! This is a new...

The Most Magical Time of the Year: Magic at the Mission!

Every year, the Village of Hope becomes a winter wonderland for one magical day!   Our Magic at the Mission event is  a day when the Orange County community comes together to create a day of Christmas magic, highlighting the glory of Jesus Christ.  It is a special day...

Merry Christmas from Orange County Rescue Mission!

With great joy we welcome a season to celebrate the world-changing truth that “the Word became human and made His home among us” (John 1:14)!  To receive and experience that Jesus Christ, in His unfailing love and faithfulness, came to rescue and restore us, even in...