A Fortune That Gives

A Fortune That Gives

by | Mar 13, 2014

I have never seen so many children and infants crawling around the Village of Hope before. While our occupancy is at 100%, the number of children that help fulfill that number is at an outstanding 80, plus a few.

VOH kids

Where this number is somewhat overwhelming at first, I must take a moment to applaud the OCRM staff that has helped to care for these children. No matter how much we might be scrambling for diapers, cribs and baby formula, it is a miracle that these children are not on the streets tonight.
Where there is a need, there is always a miracle story. Just as our numbers are tipping the scale and our nursery is absolutely packed, a chance donation came through the pipeline.
Fortune Builders is an education company that focuses on real estate investing. At all their events, they collect donations for a local non-profit organization to teach about giving back to the community. One of the guiding principles at Fortune Builders is giving back, and they did just that for our kids at OCRM. At an educational event this weekend, their attendance collection yielded an abundance of toys.

Fortune Builders

 What an appropriate gift for greeting so many of our newer families with little ones as they settle into the program at the Orange County Rescue Mission. This is the perfect example of our community providing the basics for homeless families while we are able to administer the provisions of a deeper level holistic program that will restore their lives and equip them to never know the crisis of homelessness again.
Thank you Fortune Builders for this gift to our children and families. This is an excellent example of a company with a culture that encourages building more than a living, but also a building a meaningful life.
You can get your company involved with giving back to the community as well. Visit our website here.

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