Christina's Transformation

Christina's Transformation

by | Feb 11, 2014

Her decision to save a man’s life was actually a decision she made a long time ago…
The Orange County Rescue Mission is a comprehensive rehabilitation program that requires a great effort on behalf of our clients to work toward the restoration of their lives. Watch Christina’s video to see her own transformation over the last 2 years at the Orange County Rescue Mission and the hard work that has lead up to her own heroic moment.
All that is standing between Christina and her graduation is a job. Please share her video and spread the word about her and other potential employees who have journeyed through transformation at the Orange County Rescue Mission

Strategic Planning, Vision = Success

Strategic Planning, Vision = Success

By providing a clear direction, this visionary process charts the course for the organization and paints a vivid picture of its future achievements. With a firm grasp of the intricacies of strategic planning, I remain committed to driving organizations toward success...
