From Homeless to Employed

From Homeless to Employed

by | Feb 17, 2016

The Success Center at the Rescue Mission is an essential component to the work that we do. Where our mission is to feed, shelter, heal and empower our clients, the empowerment, in part, comes from equipping the men and women that utilize our program to be successful in the work force. Today I received this update from our Success Center Manager and I am excited to share with you. job workshop graduatesMatthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 is a key scripture in which our Job Readiness Workshop is based upon. It is in prayer and seeking God that our students begin their job search. For many of them this is the first time they enter job search knowing that God is with them in this process. They exit the workshop knowing that this time is different and that they serve a God who cares and is involved in their future!
Out of our January workshop we had 7 students actively seeking employment and I am excited to share in only three weeks later 100% of our job seekers have found full-time employment! Praise God!
From positions and job titles such as Account Representatives, to Receptionists and Cashiers, our students are working for great companies such as AAA, Guckenheimer and JMAC Lending.
This is wonderful news. Join me in prayer for each of these individuals as they begin a new chapter in each of these new positions.

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Strategic Planning, Vision = Success

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