Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies

by | Feb 5, 2016

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It’s that time of year again.
And no, I am not talking about Christmas, although its almost as good as Christmas in terms of sweets. It is that exclusive time of year when little girls across the country offer the undeniable treat of Girl Scout cookies for sale.
We all have our favorites whether they are Thin Mints or Tag-a-longs, but here they are and this year, I wanted to extend a unique opportunity to you. One of the great joys amongst our younger girls at the Village of Hope is the opportunity to participate in a Girl Scout troop. If you like Girl Scout cookies and you would like to order some from the Village of Hope girls, please feel welcome to contact our troop leader Elaine* to place your order. Last year the girls sold 600 boxes so their goal this year is to surpass that. Help our Village of Hope girls reach their goal as they plan to use their earnings for a group field trip like ice skating or roller skating!
If you are a staff person or an approved volunteer on our campus, please feel free to approach our girls with your order, they have their sales pitch ready and willing to take your order!
You can view the variety of cookies for sale by clicking here. Cookie costs are $5 a box and sales are open through February 26th, so don’t wait too long!
*Elaine can be contacted with cookie orders at
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