Help Us Provide a Thanksgiving to Remember!

Help Us Provide a Thanksgiving to Remember!

by | Nov 14, 2016

Thanksgiving is a joyful time here at Orange County Rescue Mission’s Village of Hope, as the smell of turkey and mashed potatoes wafts through the dining hall and the laughter of friends and family united to share a meal echoes around the room. Each year, we host this holiday meal for our residents and invite them to bring their families, which for many is a major step in reconciling their family relationships. Many of our residents haven’t spent Thanksgiving with family in years and it is often a time filled with memories of pain and chaos, rather than warmth and love. It is our goal to change that and strive for restoration between loved ones in a true spirit of thanksgiving and compassion.
And we extend our reach even further and distributing boxes of food to families that are unable to purchase their own Thanksgiving meal. It is our hope to provide food and care for our hurting neighbors and give them the opportunity to enjoy a warm holiday meal and create special memories with friends and family, just as you and I will.
Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for the things that we are fortunate enough to have, and it is also a season to give to others. Our goal is to give these families a beautiful holiday celebration, and we cannot do it without the open hearts and generosity of the local community. The Rescue Mission is need of over 840 pounds of turkey and ham, 800 pounds of vegetables, several desserts and more to provide a Thanksgiving to remember for formerly homeless men, women and children. This will also help us to fill the food boxes to be distributed to neighbors in need.
Please take a look at the list below and consider donating to help us meet some of our urgent holiday food needs, or even come by to pick up a few empty food boxes to fill on your own. Another great way to help us meet this need is organizing a food drive with your neighbors or coworkers. Any donation helps to bring the hope and joy of Thanksgiving to the Least, Last, and Lost of Orange County.
To drop off food donations or pick up food boxes to fill, please come by our Village of Hope campus at 1 Hope Drive in Tustin, Monday-Saturday from 8am-5pm. Our staff is available to gladly accept donations and give receipts.

Thanksgiving Food Donation Items

  • whole turkeys
  • turkey roasts
  • spiral sliced or bone in hams
  • red or yukon gold potatoes
  • stuffing cubes
  • frozen cranberries
  • frozen green beans
  • fried onions
  • bread crumbs
  • raw almonds
  • maple syrup
  • frozen corn
  • unseasoned pumpkin puree
  • white granulated sugar
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