Series continued from part 1 on March 24, 2020. Click here to read part 1.
As another week of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to a close, it is apparent that while we share the same burden of “stay-at-home” orders, our personal stories of how the pandemic is affecting us will grow beyond the season of social distancing. I hope and pray that we are finding ways to grow in our capacities to be a positive influence on the people around us, especially to support those who are suffering during this crisis.
I started this series last week with the premise that leadership, at its most basic level, is influencing others. I believe it is especially timely to be proactive, lead, and be a positive influence on others.
The essence of good leadership is good character, and it is deepened during times of hardship. My friend, Major General (Retired) Robert Dees, defines this ability to grow during hardship resilience. I decided to share with you his blog titled “Waiting Well!” that he wrote yesterday, because waiting well is a universal character challenge, especially right now.
Effective leadership and being a positive influence often is as much about waiting patiently as it is about taking action. Much can be gained only when we learn to wait well, that we lack when we are always pushing to go faster and do more.
Click here to read Bob’s blog “Waiting Well” to gain some insight and encouragement on how to optimize this season in life where waiting and slowing down is inevitable!