Partners for Education; Tustin Unified School District

Partners for Education; Tustin Unified School District

by | Aug 25, 2020

Over the last several years our partnership has grown with Tustin Unified School District, the school district for our Village of Hope campus. Their support has enabled us to tremendously improve our education programs, especially this year as we enter a second term of distance learning with our kindergarten through ninth grade children. In addition, the District recently provided eleven laptop computers for our adult students enrolled in the Tustin Adult School program.

Superintendent Dr. Gregory Franklin joined us at our graduation earlier this week, celebrating the accomplishments of the adults in the Tustin Adult School. This was a great opportunity for me to acknowledge the good work of the TUSD Executive Leadership Team. I am thankful that Superintendent Dr. Gregory Franklin was there to see for himself the results of our partnership, and we were able to present him with an award for him and his staff.

Thank you Tustin Unified School District, for supporting the education of homeless men, women, and children!

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