Back to School at Village of Hope!

Back to School at Village of Hope!

As another school year begins, Orange County Rescue Mission’s Village of Hope is joining the thousands of California households that will start the school year at home with distance learning for all school-age children. Like the many challenges that we have all...
Sometimes Kids Say it Best!

Sometimes Kids Say it Best!

It’s not often that I get the time to visit with the kids who are part of Orange County Rescue Mission. But it is always an inspiration to me when I get to hear from them! Click the video below to enjoy a recent interview with two kids who live at Village of...
Distance Learning for 66 Kids!

Distance Learning for 66 Kids!

It’s the subject of social media videos and memes. And even if you don’t have school-age children, you can’t help but be intrigued by this new nationwide phenomenon of every family becoming a homeschool family! Imagine conducting school from home for...