Steadfast Companies is Doing Good!

I like to take every opportunity I can to recognize the partnerships that are so vital to the success of Orange County Rescue Mission.  One such partnership is with Steadfast Companies. Doing good as we do well, is the inspiring motto of Steadfast Companies. This...

New Year, New Partnerships

Your compassion makes a powerful difference in people’s lives! Because of our network of partnerships, people in need have a place to turn to in Orange County. Your partnership in the last year has provided: • 1,539,998 meals for hungry men, women and children. •...

Trinity Law School

I often hear the phrase, ‘Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.’ As much as I appreciate this concept of empowerment, I have found that is can be flawed when applied to certain populations because there is a...

You Change Lives

Not everyone can say they’re changing the world, but you can. Because of your partnership with the Orange County & Inland Empire Rescue Mission’s last year, there are hundreds of men, women and children in our community who will never be the same. You helped...