Honored by a Community Partner, Trinity Law School

On May 13, Trinity Law School, of Trinity International University, conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa upon Jim Palmer.  This amazing honor comes in perfect timing with his 25th anniversary as President of Orange County Rescue Mission.  Over the...

Volunteer Spotlight: Joy Statler

Today I would like to introduce you to another of the Rescue Mission’s superhero volunteers: Joy Statler! Since 2010, Joy has been the Supervising Attorney of Trinity Law Clinic at Orange County Rescue Mission. The Trinity Law School partnered with the Rescue Mission...

Trinity Law School Legal Clinic

When the Village of Hope campus opened and our first residents came to live here, I quickly noticed a need for legal assistance. The residents that pass through our gates are often burdened by the mistakes of their past that hold them back from finding employment or...

Food, Shelter and Legal Assistance

Our hope at the Rescue Mission is to examine effective action through mobile outreach programs such as the Trinity Mobile Legal Clinic, where we expand our services beyond basic food, shelter and clothing to deeper needs hindering clients from achieving true healing...

Trinity Law School

I often hear the phrase, ‘Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.’ As much as I appreciate this concept of empowerment, I have found that is can be flawed when applied to certain populations because there is a...