by Jim Palmer | Oct 4, 2017 | blog
The Village of Hope recently hosted Tustin High School’s Cheer Squad with their new Principal Dr. Jon Tuin earlier this month as the Tustin High School cheerleaders led a cheerleading clinic for 25 of our kids! The Varsity squad opened the clinic by wowing the...
by Jim Palmer | Jun 22, 2016 | blog
I want to thank Tustin Unified School District, who has partnered with Orange County Rescue Mission’s Sunwest Bank Success Center. Tustin Unified believes it is never too late to get a high school diploma, and so do we. All residents, regardless of age, are required...
by Jim Palmer | Jun 18, 2014 | blog
Imagine having never even stepped foot on a high school campus. Being several years into adulthood and a father with children progressing through their own education presents a pivotal moment of shaping the future for yourself and your family. The program at the...