With over 13 years of constant use, our administrative and case manager office space was very worn. That is until Tangram Interiors donated workstations, and the labor to install them!
Tangram first became acquainted with the work of the Rescue Mission when they donated student desks for the 61 elementary and middle school students who were in distance learning and hybrid classroom programs while living at Village of Hope.
Joe Lozowski, CEO of Tangram shares, “I first discovered OCRM when I took my family to volunteer at the organization for Thanksgiving in 2019. A lot of people have a misconception of what life in Orange County is like for many people. There are countless families that are suffering and OCRM acts as a safety net for when they need a place to stay, eat or educate their children. The work they’re doing, the work Jim Palmer is doing, is amazing and they do not get enough credit.”
We are so grateful for our corporate donors, like Tangram Interiors!
Click here to read the article about the Tangram donation.
I am humbled and thankful for the people, corporations, foundations, and churches that give to Orange County Rescue Mission. We are 100% funded privately by the generosity of others. Each and every donor and volunteer is greatly valued and appreciated!