We received a call from an individual who had seen us on the news, and wanted to know if he could serve the Rescue Mission. This man happened to be Jeff Killough, none other than the Tri-Tip Man! Jeff and his wife decided they would like to generously provide our residents and staff with his delicious tri-tip! Last week they drove their food truck on to the property, and provided full course tri-tip meals. I really appreciate this gift to the residents and the hard working staff.
This is a blessing to us in more ways than one: the Rescue Mission was able to cut the cost of lunch for one day. This may sound minimal, but lunch for over 200 people is no small cost! This donation from Tri-Tip man was a tremendous help.
Donations from small businesses and food trucks are vital to this ministry and are so helpful to us as we work to provide shelter, food, clothing, health care, and so much more for formerly homeless families and individuals. If you run a small business or food truck and would like to use it to serve the Rescue Mission, we would love to receive your generosity!
Please contact our Development Assistant, Haley Duffy, at (714) 247-4389 or haley.duffy@rescuemission.org if you would like to inquire about donating your services.
Giving online is easy, safe, and quick. Make your final 2016 charitable contribution to Orange County Rescue Mission now. Your donation will make an immediate impact to provide meals, shelter and services for a homeless family in desperate need of a hand up to self-sufficiency.
To receive your 2016 charitable donation tax deduction, your donation must be made by 11:59 PM on December 31. 6 Days to Give in 2016!