Community is a vital aspect of life change and restoration. This is evident in the Rescue Mission’s approach to care and support at all of our facilities. The Rescue Mission’s House of Hope campus in Orange was designed to be a transitional and supportive community to single women and their children. As these families journey towards self-sufficiency, the House of Hope provides a stable environment among other families, where the women are able to work, receive life skills training and case management, and save towards building a future for them and their children.
I would like to share with you the story one such young woman, Domenica, who is thriving today as a result of the House of Hope program.
Domenica’s Story: A Step Toward Independence
Domenica took the first step toward life change last year when she decided she needed a program to help build a better life for herself and her two kids. Her living situation was temporary and unstable and she knew she needed to find something stable for her family. The stress of insecure housing was taking its toll on Domenica and her ability to raise her children well. She had heard about Orange County Rescue Mission and the program at the House of Hope seemed like it would be a perfect fit.
“Now that I’m here I feel at home.” Domenica says. “I feel secure knowing that my kids are safe.”
Domenica enjoyed both the responsibility of living at the House with other families, as well as the independence. The families all do chores to care for the House and live together as part of a safe, wholesome community.
Because Domenica was able to get back on her feet financially, she was able to get rid of her old, unreliable car and save the money to buy a newer, dependable car. Their time at the House of Hope had been a great step toward stability and becoming totally independent. And in January, 2017, Domenica and her children were able to move out of House of Hope and graduated from Orange County Rescue Mission.
Domenica is currently working in a job she enjoys as an OCTA lead supervisor. She also attends school, where she wants to study human resources and business.
“We are excited about the opportunities our future will bring.” Domenica says with excitement. “I feel strong. I’m empowered. Yes, I have worries. But after having the time here, with support of my case manager, I feel confident. I know we are ready for this new step of independence.”
House of Hope
The beautiful House of Hope transitional housing facility was specifically designed to help and house homeless women, and their children. Residents are employed, while they benefit from key services such as job training, parenting training, life skills training, anger management training and more. Most importantly, these women gain a sense of hope for their future.
Giving online is easy, safe, and quick. Your donation will make an immediate impact to provide meals, shelter and services for a homeless family in desperate need of a hand up to self-sufficiency.