Your Support Goes 3x As Far With AmazonSmile

Amazon makes my life so much simpler.  If you’re anything like me, you enjoy how easy and convenient it is to make everyday purchases through Amazon.  Did you know that your Amazon shopping can be not only an easy way to shop, but also a way to give back? All you have...

All Smiles for Amazon Smile

If you’re anything like me, you use Amazon for many purchases nowadays.  Everything from new gadgets to home supplies, and even groceries can arrive straight to your door.   But did you know that your everyday purchases can benefit the homeless of Orange County? In...

You Shop, Amazon Gives

Attention shoppers! This is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need. If  you like to avoid crowds and shop online through platforms like, then you just got a whole lot more generous than you even knew.   Amazon has...