by Jim Palmer | Apr 3, 2014 | blog
How far would you go…to defend your belief in God? Having recently screened this moving film, I felt compelled to share about its message. God’s Not Dead weaves together multiple stories of faith, doubt and disbelief, culminating in a dramatic call to action....
by Jim Palmer | Sep 16, 2013 | blog
More commonly abbreviated for ‘laugh out loud’ I am thrilled to thank our friends at Anaheim Baptist Fellowship Church for their generous LOL event, running ‘laps of love’ for the Orange County Rescue Mission. Each participant ran, walked or...
by Jim Palmer | Aug 19, 2013 | blog
Where do you begin when thanking the volunteers that have turned into family? The end of the summer blow out at the Village of Hope is an event we look forward to every year, but its not the only time we get to enjoy the friendship of Coast Hills Community Church. The...
by Jim Palmer | Jul 4, 2013 | blog
This summer, don’t let the heat drive you into a mundane routine at home. Build a new tradition with your friends and family by using those open windows of time in your summer schedule to make a difference in the community. Rally your friends for a food drive...