Orange County Generosity

  As many of you know, we experienced an urgent short fall during the critical time of the holiday season. As we are currently housing more children than ever before and continue to expect more homeless men, women and children to call on us for help during the...

Thank you Employees of Boeing

A diverse and long-term funder, The Employees Community Fund (ECF) of Boeing California has continued to generously grant funds to the Orange County Rescue Mission to support our cause. The Employees Community Fund (ECF) of Boeing California is an employee-owned and...

Muchas Gracias Miguel

Good news for our Corona Rescue Mission! Miguel’s Jr. is now providing our students at the Corona Norco Rescue Mission with 20 lunch meals per week. This is just the beginning of what I hope will become a growing partnership. Thank you Miguel’s Jr. for...

Because of YOU

Your kindness and compassion are the reason we were able to serve 10,999 meals to hungry men, women, and children at the Orange County Rescue Mission and in the Inland Empire this Easter. Because of you, the least, last and lost were given the gift of God’s love...

Out of the Park

I get to see Tim working hard every day as he cleans around my office and our support staff’s work spaces.  His smile is perpetual and his optimism is contagious.  Believe it or not, Tim was homeless, sleeping in a park. But because of your gifts, Tim...